Tuesday, August 31, 2010


We all know the importance of biology as a subject as well as a field of science. Today we will learn on the reproduction in human beings. So let's start with the learning.

Here is the learning on reproduction in human beings. Since human beings are dioecious (males & females are separate), there's specific organs for reproduction in both males & females. Regarding males, sex organs comprises of the testes (plural), prostate gland, seminal vesicle, vas deferens, urethra & the penis and regarding females it consists of ovaries, fallopian tube, uterus, cervix & Vagina. Reproduction occurs by fusion of sperms from male & ova from female by coitus.  Spermatogenesis is responsible for production of sperms, while the ova are produced by oogenesis in the respective sex organs only under hormonal influence from puberty. There's as well as a couple of glands involved with the reproductive systems in both the sexes.

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Tundra animals

We all have heard about animalia kingdom characteristics and know how it varies. Today we will learn about the tundra animals. Let's start with the learning.

Tundras are the areas where the surface usually remains frozen. Following are few of the tundra animals namely:

  • Arctic Fox, 
  • Killer Whale,
  • Sea Lion, 
  • Ground Squirrel,
  • Lemming
  • Arctic Loon,
  • Emperor Penguin,
  • Long Eared Owl,
  • Rose Breasted Grosbeak, 
  • Bald Eagle 
This is a sort of general science help.

Do post your comments after this learning.